*Please Read* Important Friday School Policy Change
Hi Friday School Parents, We, as your Leadership Team, need to send out a reminder of the two policies that probably make our co-op run...
Login for website changing :D
First Class members- I'm working on changing our members login (our website login, not the firmly planted family database login) to an...
*Important Registration Change* Please Read
Last term, EBC requested that we put class size limits on the K & under classrooms. In times past, some of our classes, for example, say...
Student Guest Policy Change
The leadership of Friday School has been considering making a change to the Friday School Guest Policy, specifically regarding...
Spring 2017 FS Dates
Here are the dates for Spring 2017 Friday School session: 1/16/17 Teacher Applications Due 2/3/17 Catalog should be posted by 2/10/17...
Fall 2016 Friday School Dates
Here are the official Friday School Dates for Fall 2016!!! 9/9/16 Registration 9/23/16-11/18/16 8 weeks of Friday School Off on 10/28/16...
Student Class History -Now Available!
As a member of First Class Skagit County, your students previous class history (through Fall 2007) is now available on our website. Go to...
Fall 2016 Registration *Please Read*
Just wanted to let you all know that things will be changing in regards to registration for Friday School for Fall of 2016. Some changes...
Class Registrations CLOSED
Just wanted to let everyone know that we can take no more registrations for the Spring term. Classes are officially FULL! Please keep an...
Business Directory is now on the Mobile App!
The Friday School Business Directory is now on the Mobile App!