You'll find the basic info for
Friday School here:
Becoming a member of
First Class Skagit County Homeschool Coop is a FIVE step process:
STEP 1. Fill out Membership Form.
Complete a Membership Application
STEP 2. Pay the Membership fee.
Membership is from September 1st through August 31st each year. You may join mid year, but the fee will not be
2024-2025 Membership fee is $40.
STEP 3. Fill out Background Check Paperwork.
Complete a Background Check Form Instructions: Fill out the entire Youth Worker Agreement page (page 1) and then sections C & D on the WA State Background form (page 2). Everyone that steps foot on campus over the age of 18 is required to have their background checked (students included).
STEP 4. Attending Friday School? Read,
Sign & turn in the Parent Agreement Form.
STEP 5. Paperwork & Payment.
Complete your:
1. Membership Form
2. Background Check Paperwork
3. Parental Agreement
4. Check ($40)
Mail to:
First Class Skagit County
1500 E. College Way, Suite A #303
Mount Vernon, WA 98273
If you are coming to Registration, please bring your
membership forms with you.
Class Registrations are NOT
taken by mail OR email!
Membership Benefits Include:
*NEW* Android App
*NEW* Windows Mobile App
*NEW* Friday School Forum
*Members-Only tab (login only)
*Friday School
*Friday School Catalogs:
Fall & Spring
*Teacher ID cards for parents - good for getting homeschool discounts.
Access to our Members-Only:
*Google Email Group
*Teen/Parent Group on Facebook
*Friday School facebook page
*HSLDA Discount Code
* Friday School Blog
*Annual Christmas Party
*Annual Fall Kickoff Picnic
*Annual end of year picnic
*Display Night in the Spring
*Graduation in the Spring
*Organized Field Trips
*Members-only Newsletter Archive
*Members-only Catalog archive
*Members-only Photo Gallery
*Members-only Membership Directory
*Members-only Business Directory
*Friday School pinterest page
*Members-only Ferry Discount
*Members-only access to Student Class History by Term
*Members only Teen Group
*Members only teen group activities
*Access to RightNowMedia through Inspire Church of Sedro-Woolley
First Class Skagit County (FCSC) homeschool co-op is a Christian homeschool co-op located in Mount Vernon, WA. Friday School Co-op days happen at Inspire Church of Sedro-Woolley, WA.
Friday School begins
Sept 24th

9am Teachers
11am Current Members
w/1-12 graders
then Current Members
with N-K ONLY